My Interests

I am keenly interested in the subject of mathematics. Since a very young age, I have always loved maths and enjoyed learning high-level mathematics. Additionally, since the past 6 to 7 years, I have started robotics - originally only in LEGO EV3. In Grade 7, I participated in the WRO, World Robot Olympiad, and stood 3rd place at the regional competition and 9th place at the national level. Through robotics, I started becoming very fond of programming. I have learnt how to code in Java, C, C++ and Python. I have also learnt how to program the Aurduino using the Aurduino IDE.

A picture of Ishaan Shah with his two team members, wearing the medals they won at the Regionals World Robotic Olympiad.


Svaadar is a simple, low-cost, portable, versatile machine that is aimed at replacing the work that has to be done by manual scavengers when they enter sewers or septic tanks through manholes. It has been designed in a way that manual scavengers can operate it with ease by themselves.

Svaadar means respect for oneself. Through this machine, I hope we take a strong step towards completely annihilating the concept of manual scavenging.

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Svaadar's logo.

Fight Against Manual Scavenging!

One of the most recognised people fighting against the horrific act of Manual Scavenging is Shri Bezwada Wilson, Ramon Magsaysay Award recipient and founder of the Safai Karmachari Andolan (SKA). I hosted an event for this cause on Sunday, 21st August, 2022. The event featured Shri Bezwada Wilson as the speaker. To the left is a video of a short recap of the event.


Raastaa is an application that provides rural Indian youth with pathways for their career goals and dreams. It is primarily targeted for ages 12-24 or more. Raastaa provides educational, government certification and skill pathways for different career interests and is available in both English and Hindi. It can be used as a web app on, and soon on the Google PlayStore.

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Raastaa's logo.

The DAIS Math Club

I started The DAIS Math Club (TDMC) this year with the aim to nurture a community of math-loving students in DAIS who inspire each other and grow by teaching, having discussions, sharing resources, collective problem solving and also preparing for math olympiads and competitions around the world. During the sessions, participants usually engage in discussions over problem-solving strategies and help each other gain a better understanding of mathematical concepts.

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TDMC's logo.

The 'Our'Duino Sprinklar

The 'Our'duino Sprinklar, my project started in 8th grade, is a cost-friendly initiation towards revolutionizing the art of gardening and agriculture. It is an innovation which is designed to incorporate the Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded technologies, to develop a 'smart garden' that provides the optimal quantity of water to plants.

The 'Our'duino Sprinklar is an innovation that weaves together four technologies - the embedded Arduino microcontroller, sensors and actuators, renewable solar energy and wireless communication to a smart device. It uses a researched value of the amount of soil required for a specific species of plant, by watering the plant whenever the moisture levels fall below the optimal quantity. It also signals an alarm when the water level in the water tank is too low. Hence, it is a set up for a 'smart watering' or 'smart irrigation' system. The Arduino microcontroller communicates with a soil moisture sensor, water level sensor, a water pump and a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Screen. The system powered using renewable solar power, along with provision for an alternate power source.

Hence, the 'Our'duino Sprinklar can be used effectively for home gardens as well as irrigation purposes, providing a cheap and more effective alternative to the expensive costs that farmers face.

A picture of Ishaan Shah with the 'Our'Duino Sprinklar

The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) 2020

In the 2019-20 season, I was a programmer in FRC Team #7539 Team Elev8. We were a team of 31 students bonded by our passion for STEM and Robotics. All of us were from grades 9 to 12, studying at the Dhirubhai Ambani International School. We were a rookie team in the 2018-19 season (i.e. that was our first year in the competition) and we won several awards such as the Rookie All-Star Award (the highest award given to a rookie team) and qualified for the World Championships. Unfortunately, in 2020, due to the outbreak of the CoVID-19, the FRC had been called off.

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A picture of entire Team Elev8 - students and mentors.


I have been learning drums for the past 6 years. I have an electronic drum kit at home that I practice on. I have performed at several concerts and have given Trinity exams upto Grade 4. To the left is a video of me playing the piece "Warlord", by the Furtados School of Music, but edited by me.